
Capturing every special moment, including couples, senior photos, special events, birthdays, weddings and so much more!


These are great for small and special occasions

  • Mini sessions are generally 30-45 minutes

  • Approximately 40 photos

  • Photos are returned within a few days


These are great for big special occasions, multiple locations, or big families

  • Generally 1hr to an hour and a half

  • Approximately 75-100 photos or more

  • 2 outfits/outfit changes

  • Photos are returned within a week


$400-$600 (Depending on length of event)
This package is generally great for large occasions that last longer than 2 hours, such as weddings, parties and big events

  • All day or half day event

  • Well over 200 photos

  • Photos are returned within 2 - 3 weeks

Remember: Prices are set the way they are because while it may be either a short session or a long one, it does take a lot of time to go through and edit the photos! Thank you for understanding.


Want to book a shoot?

Just share a few details on exactly what you’re looking for and i’ll be in touch soon.

I am so excited to connect with you!